Wednesday 26 January 2011

BOOK 1/150

I Heart Paris by Lindsey Kelk

I read this book a little time before starting the blog and didn’t really make any notes on my thoughts as I went along so unfortunately I’m sort of digging deep into my memory here, well not that deep, but I can be a bit of a goldfish sometimes when it comes to remembering the recent past!

I Heart Paris is the third in the I Heart series by Lindsey Kelk. The first being ‘I Heart New York’ and the second being ‘I Heart Hollywood’. Before getting my hands on this novel, I had only read the first, but this didn’t matter in the slightest. There are references to the second book, but you don’t miss anything from not having read it as it works pretty much as a completely stand alone story. If you haven’t read the first, you may be a little puzzled by some references, but you’ll be fine.

Firstly, Paris is one of my favourite cities in the world and is probably only beaten by my beloved home, London! I loved the descriptions of the city, the tiny cramped hipster wine bars, the funny little shops and all the über sleek Parisians.

There were some very funny moments and many moments that made me go; “Ohhh Goddd, that would so happen to me!” You can really indentify with Angela, she’s a normal British woman attempting to stylishly get by in both America and France. She has boyfriend troubles to contend with, mainly due to a slightly deranged bitchy French beauty and work problems on top of that. I felt like quite a lot of the book was rather negative, although it ends on a positive note, I found that poor Angela just kept getting knocked down throughout the book.

I also found that there wasn’t really enough romance in the book for me, especially seeing as it was set in the prime location of the City of Love itself. There were some nice moments between Angela and Alex but it wasn’t until the very end that there was some real progress.

If you’ve read the other two books and enjoyed them, I think you’ll be very pleased with I Heart Paris. Also, if you’re a Paris lover like me you’ll find yourself checking Eurostar prices and wanting to jump straight onto the next train possible! In general the book was an enjoyably easy read with some great plot twists throughout, and I can’t wait to see what’s coming next from Lindsey Kelk!

I think I'd give it 3 stars, verging on a 3.5...

- Charlotte

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