Wednesday 19 January 2011

BLOGGER ONE: Charlotte


NAME: Charlotte Evans, also known as; Char, Charlie, Carly, Chardizzle (don't ask)...

UNI: King's College London

COURSE: French & Hispanic Studies, four years, with a year abroad starting this September! Eek! Exciting.

FAVOURITE GENRE: Well, to be honest, I normally read chick lit stuff, however I do like to venture into other genres as much as possible; crime, historical fiction etc. As a student of French & Spanish, I do read a lot of foreign literature as well, especially for my course so will be including these in my total!

THE BOOK YOU WOULD MOST RECOMMEND AT THE MOMENT: That's a really tricky one. I read a lot of books, all the time and to be honest, none have clearly jumped out at me recently. I developed a huge thing for Nicholas Sparks' books towards the end of last year, so if you like something a bit romantic and often heart wrenching, I'd go for that. Dear John was especially beautiful. I'm also a wee bit addicted to Jodi Picoult, but I always have been. OH, also, whilst stuck at an airport last summer, the only thing I had with me to read was After You'd Gone by Maggie O'Farrell. Having not read anything else by her, I was surprised at how much I loved it! I read it all in one go on that day!...Gosh I've rambled a bit there, sorry.

OTHER INTERESTS: I am a huge lover of theatre and music. I try and get to shows and gigs whenever I can. I end up going about once a week sometimes! I love singing and playing the violin and am attempting to teach myself to play the piano properly, as I can only fiddle around a little bit at the moment. I also love cooking, photography and travelling. I have huge travel ambitions which hopefully, once I finish uni will come to light!

ANY OTHER NIFTY INFO: I'm a coffee addict and a serious snacker. Many people tell me I'm exactly like Miranda Hart....from the bbc comedy Miranda. If you haven't seen it, go and watch it on YouTube. It's my favourite thing ever.

Oh and I'm completely addicted to twitter. Find out what I'm up to in my day to day life here:

Ta very much for your time.

Am off to do some reading.

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