Friday 21 January 2011


NAME: Hayley. Or occasionally Hails
UNI: University of Manchester

COURSE: BSc Fashion and Textile Retailing
FAVOURITE GENRE: Like Carly and Sophie I'm a big chick-lit fan, Harriet Evans, Dorothy Koomson and Lauren Weisberger are particular favourites. Generally though I will devour anything that anyone recommends to me. I'm trying to read more classics this year so expect to see my progress on that front here!
THE BOOK YOU WOULD MOST RECOMMEND AT THE MOMENT: My favourite book is "One Day" by David Nicholls. I intend to re-read it this year so that I can write a review that will truly do it justice. It is the only book that once I finished it all I wanted to do was turn it back to the first page and experience it all over again. Such a beautiful concept, it truly moved me and made me laugh and cry more than any other book ever has before.

OTHER INTERESTS: Music. I absolutely despise silence and one of the first things I do when I wake up is put some music on. I have quite a broad taste. Born and raised on Motown, Whitney Houston and Michael Jackson. I can't even summarise what I listen to now and do it justice. I would however say my current top 5 are Michael Buble, Ellie Goulding, John Mayer, Justin Nozuka and last but my no means least Take That. That's right Take That, I absolutely adore them, sad but true.
I love going to gigs and concerts, don't do it often enough but I've been very lucky and have seen some amazing acts and hope to be able to continue to do so. I am also a massive fan of Musical theatre. Living so far from London does make seeing West end shows expensive but so worth it.
And despite my degree my goal in life is to be a Special needs teacher.

ANY OTHER NIFTY INFO: I am part of an amazing gospel choir in Manchester, Manchester Harmony Gospel Choir. ( A shameless plug but it has to be done,, check us out!) I have met the most amazing bunch of people there and get to sing some awesome music with them. I absolutely love to sing but can sadly only dream of being able to make a career out of it. I really envy people that are talented enough to do so. And if you want to you can find me on Twitter, talking about fashion and music and other random (and probably boring matter!) on


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