Sarra Manning has been one of my favourite authors for quite some time. I adored her Diary of a Crush books as a teenager, and have followed her all the way into adulthood. I was not too sure about her first adult novel ‘Unsticky’, but I have to say I enjoyed ‘You Don’t Have To Say You Love Me’ much more.
Before I started reading it, I had been warned by a friend with very similar literary tastes that she’d actually had to set it aside soon after starting it because she’d found it unnecessarily…how shall I put it….’sexually graphic’? My friend is not a prude by any means, I guess it’s just not what she was expecting from the book, and fair enough really. I didn’t see it coming either. I thought ‘nooooo, that can’t be true’. Consequently I started reading the novel in the doctor’s waiting room a couple of days later and immediately found myself going ‘oh dear God, I hope no one is reading this over my shoulder!’. That said, I did manage to get used to all the sexual moments (which at times seemed a rather unnecessary…) and ended up really enjoying the novel as a whole. As ever I got completely addicted and could barely put it down. I did find the main character, Neve, fairly frustrating at times and my empathy for her came and went throughout the different episodes in the book. However, by the end, I was firmly back on her side and was pleased with how the book ended.
Another thing I really enjoyed was the fact that it was set right in the heart of London and I found myself recognising so many of the places mentioned. It’s lovely to read a book set in your hometown and around all your regular haunts. This really added something for me! So all in all, I’m going to give this book 3 and a half stars out of 5. There were moments I really loved and which compelled me to keep reading but I’ve not given it four stars as I have to many others, just because I occasionally found the main character so frustrating and the book did sometimes feel rather long. Can’t wait to see what’s coming next from Sarra Manning though, she’s such a great author whose books I think I will always read whether they’re adult or YA.
Char x