Thursday 1 December 2011

44 books down....

So guys, it turns out keeping up with a blog like this is a lot harder than I ever thought. Especially seeing as the second half of my year has been taking up with moving to France and starting university over here. Luckily, it's not been detrimental to my reading and I'm still on track with my 50 book challenge.

I'm on 44 books at the moment and am pretty sure I can make it to 50 before the year is out. I've got quite a few on the go at the moment and my Kindle has been a godsend seeing as I've been travelling a lot.

If you'd like to see all the books I've got through so far there is a!

I've read so many great books this year so I really do want to get round to writing a little bit about most of them.

The one that has really touched me the most recently was Before I Die by Jenny Downham. It is an incredibly powerful book. I'd definitely recommend it but I would warn you that you really need to prepare yourself for it. I mean, the premise is kind of given away by the title: it is about a teenage girl with cancer who writes a list of things she'd like to achieve before she dies. However, knowing this does not soften the blow at all. There are parts that will make you laugh and touch your heart but I have to admit the ending nearly broke mine. I have never had such an emotional reaction to a book. I don't know whether perhaps it's due to the fact that I've recently been touched by grief which made it feel particularly pertinent and it ended up bringing back a lot of feelings and memories of that time and it was consequently particularly hard to deal with. This didn't make me any less eager to read it though...I'd often pick up the book meaning only to read for about 15 minutes and ending up carrying on for nearly a good hour. It is an incredibly well written and touching book. Go and read it....but don't say I didn't warn you when you end up sobbing all over it while you feel like your head is about to implode with the injustice of it all.

So that's my little message done really. I will endeavour to post about as many books as possible but do know that I am still beavering away at my target despite being snowed under with French university work and the prospect of then moving to Spain in two months...(yes, it's all go with me at the moment!). Also, finally, please excuse any strange grammatical bits and bobs that have appeared into this English syntax and way of speaking has gone a little bit awry due to the amount of French that I am currently subject too! Haha!

Until next time, Char x